Jim Baker Reservoir Ride

Sometimes a long trip to run errands will end up rewarding you with a good history lesson as well as reflection. Today, while visiting the office of a contractor, I came upon the Jim Baker Reservoir. The trail had a statue of Jim Baker and plaque which read, “The forgotten mountain man.” It was a memorial to Jim Baker (frontiersman) who led an interesting life of trade, service, and exploration. Go Jim!

Colorado has so much history and they do a good job preserving landmarks and memorials. This story was a nice read and defiantly hits home. Here I am complaining about the bike path under construction while 100 years ago they were facing war, disease, and starvation. As I sit on a bench and eat my McDonalds, I reflect on each tree and stone wondering how everything got here. I wonder how this placed looked when Jim Baker was here. I wonder if Jim knew how to ride a bike. With sadness, I must go back to the office to write more code… because that’s what Jim would have done.

Distance: 23.73 miles

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